and posting content to the site, as ushers in a new charge for Ning communities,
of which forces us to go to the Ning Pro plan for $500 a year.
At this time I cant see the value in charging membership or charging to load and post content.
So here's a letter that will go out to anybody posting content to the site,
I would love to get some feedback and any idea's that you might have
on how to pay for this, email me or leave comment in our newly added suggestion box in the
forum at
Thank you for taking the time to share with FOF and the rest of the world your content, "Fans Of Film" wishes you the best in building an online audience. is currently getting an average of 3000+ new visits a month, and believes FOF is successfully setting itself up to usher in a new generation in content delivery as @FansOfFilm becomes one on the most followed independent social film network on Twitter.
What makes our social network special is the filtering, curating, and sharing that FOF has personally pledged to for almost 2 years, in creating a higher quality social media portal for quality filmmakers and producers. All this has cost is about in dollars is $3000 to date including internet service. The real cost has been the hours that FOF has into developing, networking, filtering, and curating the site, and even though there are some services, products and even a film available for rent, there is know current supporting revenue from the site, so FOF has started asking for a yearly pledge of $10 to help pay for the site and further help you. FOF believes it's a small pledge for what FOF is doing for filmmakers and producer coming to the web and independently promoting and distributing their films and webshows. Thanks again for posting your content to the site, and if you fill FOF is offering a valuable service to you please make a pledge here