Monday, December 22, 2008

A new Model Of Distribution for filmmakers

By Michael Palombo helping filmmakers with online distribution

When I find articles like the one at the bottom of this post, I know I'm doing the right thing. My efforts for providing a new model of distribution started about a year ago, when I teamed up with a couple of other like minds in the film industry, thinking along the same lines.

Getting filmmakers to think the same has been a task that has taken all my efforts to keep alive, and connect with the filmmaker without any real connection to the upper crust of the film making world, and even having some connections here in New Mexico, and even speaking in front of a group of filmmakers. The response has been slow for filmmakers to adapt a new model of distribution that would put them first. To any filmmaker reading this, read the full article on Ted Hopes Views on indie filmmaking. And then come back to me for a new model that is going to put filmmakers first.

This morning, Saturday September 27th in Los Angeles, producer Ted Hope gave the keynote speech at Film Independent's Filmmaker Forum "There is no crisis," Hope proclaimed in his opening comments. How can there be a "Death Of Indie" when Indie -- real Indie, True Indie -- has yet to even live?" he asks. Creativity is not a victim of a distribution meltdown. Hope notes that the moment when the constraints of traditional models are changed for the collective good is now. His complete prepared remarks, as delivered to indieWIRE today, are included below.
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