We are now displaying our official "Fans Of Film PPV Channel" on the front page, with a fr ee music video followed by a Maxcast commercial, our streaming service provider.
I know what your thinking a music video and a commercial that's nothing, and your right. But some of the biggest networks of today, started that way.
We are currently looking for and reviewing content for our home page channel. That will have a limited amount of the highest quality independent films and programs we can find, or bring to us. We are working on securing some great content with some great filmmakers/producers, so stay tuned for a great future for all of us.
We still have a growing film list for filmmakers to independently distribute from, using what ever services you provide for your DVD, download, and on-demand distribution services, and you don't need to provide all three, one is fine.
I believe with enough time and added value, and content to the network, that FOF will become a viable and truly independent film market unlike any other.
Filmmakers putting filmmakers in business for themselves
Michael/Fans Of Film
Visit Fans Of Film at: http://fansoffilm.com
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