Monday, March 16, 2009

Green Seal Of Approval For Digital Distribution

By Michael Palombo

Making a dream a reality, beyond the life changing experience of stepping into the film industry in 2007, it's truly been a roller coaster of a ride. Lets go beyond being a 20 year artist and trying to understand the medium of film making for myself as an aspiring filmmaker/producer working on my own productions/art.

Distribution! better yet green distribution, as we move into age of real concern for our environment, and our impact on this great planet we call home. I'm proud to release the
"Green Seal Of Approval For Digital Distribution" A contract will go with this seal asking for the true value of DVD's to be enforced including environmental impact "yet to be valued" and the main form of digital distribution being in the form of downloads and on-demand video. I started a green distribution campaign August 2008 with setting up a blog and soon after posting my idea on the very popular website. So this is not a new thing, it's something thats been in the works for over a year. We also have a production idea on the board for a documentary on "The Life Of A DVD" for those filmmakers, producers, and writers that might read this, it needs funding and script

Over the last year I have committed all my spare time and late nights to understanding yet another medium. The computer world and how it's being used for marketing and distribution. At the same time developing a network and distribution model, with the launch of "Fans Of Film" in November of 2008, With the experience of facilitating and networking and the I've come to understand a great deal about the future of the web, and the opportunities it's opening up for independent filmmakers and producers. As a result of all of this, the phone has started to ring with filmmakers, producers asking for consultation, pod casters asking for interviews. Today I'm going to be on a live show called "Blog Talk Radio" ... So yes I think I'm headed in the right direction and making waves in a new age of independent production and distribution. I think it's going to be a great year, and I'm looking forward to working with all the people that shown interest and those to come. So join us on for a movement are better yet a revolution!

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